How To Make Boatloads Of Money As A College Or University Student Without Really Trying
If you are a student at a college or university and you are strapped for cash, then look no further because you have found the complete guide to doing so! This instructable will provide you with multiple ways to increase or create a substantial income, with hours based around your schedule. Using these different opportunities I have been able to pull in a little over $1,000 a month.
Colleges and Universities depend on their student body for many menial and secretarial tasks that they would otherwise have to pay people full-time salaries. Schools spend millions of dollars employing their students, so why not tap into some of that?
Take advantage of the opportunities a college or university has to offer while you are still attending!
Step 1: Step 1: Locate Student Employment Office/Online Directory
colleges and universities have an office of Student Employment, and
many feature an Online Directory that lists available part-time
opportunities for students. This is always a good place to start,
because many times there are multiple opportunities students can
participate in. Some that I have found on my school's website have
included babysitting gigs, research participation gigs, and even TA
positions for teachers.
Get to know the people who work in the Student Employment Office -- not only will they be able to help you get a job, but they will be the ones filing your paperwork! They basically control when, how, and how much you get paid, so it is in your best interest to introduce yourself to the Student Employment staff.
In order to locate the student office, simply type into Google "(the name of your school) student employment" If you go to NYU for instance, type in: "NYU Student Employment"
I tried a number of schools, including community colleges, private university, and state schools, and they all came up on Google, so I doubt you will run into trouble finding the office of student employment.
Get to know the people who work in the Student Employment Office -- not only will they be able to help you get a job, but they will be the ones filing your paperwork! They basically control when, how, and how much you get paid, so it is in your best interest to introduce yourself to the Student Employment staff.
In order to locate the student office, simply type into Google "(the name of your school) student employment" If you go to NYU for instance, type in: "NYU Student Employment"
I tried a number of schools, including community colleges, private university, and state schools, and they all came up on Google, so I doubt you will run into trouble finding the office of student employment.
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